self-care Jan 15, 2022

What is your greater mission in this life?


Do you ever feel that something is missing in your life or that you don’t quite grasp what the meaning of it all is at its most fundamental level? 


For those ready to go deeper into their thoughts and seek solutions from inside themselves, maybe this post can help put things into perspective.


To find answers, you must first understand the concept of spiritual self-care and and how to practice it.


Self-care is commonly associated with physical self-care or beauty self-care.


However, there are seven parts to self-care.


Spiritual self-care is equally as important as the other elements, including mental, emotional, social, and professional well-being.


6 spiritual practices


What is spiritual self-care?


If you are experiencing feelings of loneliness or emptiness inside of you, it indicates that you need to dive deeper inside yourself and connect with your inner self. 


Spiritual self-care is concerned with taking care of one’s soul.



We are more than just a bag of bones; You are a beautiful temple.

In other words, internal self-care is as important as external self-care, which refers to your spiritual well-being.

If you’d like to find inner peace, the best way to do it is to nourish your body, mind, and soul with a greater purpose.



Why is spiritual self-care important?


Like any other kind of self-care, spiritual self-care may seem to be a part-time job at first, but it eventually becomes a part of who you are. 


Spiritual self-care is essential because it improves your state of mind, confidence, and sense of fulfillment. 


You will feel whole and content with yourself without needing the approval of another individual.


What is a higher power?


I am a higher believer, and my higher power is God. I pray! 


For others, it is a connection with nature, while for others, it is conventional approaches such as meditation. 


Hey!! There is no correct nor incorrect answer when it comes to discovering a means to connect with the cosmos. 


Ultimately, success may be defined as the state of being calm and at rest in one’s heart when all is said and done.


Many individuals have various perspectives on connecting with their inner self; the first step is recognizing a power greater than yourself. 


Connecting with the universe and discovering your higher inner self may be accomplished by thinking positively about what you want to do in life.


 You can also achieve this with prayer, meditation, or mindfulness activities. These activities can help lead you to success!


How to start a spiritual self-care routine?


To begin a spiritual self-care regimen, you must first serve yourself.


For example, you may start with two minutes of deep breathing or engage in physical activity such as gardening.


Then, you might try increasing it by one minute every day until it reaches 10-15 minutes without fail!


You’ll be astounded at how easy it becomes to take a brief stroll when your mind is at ease.


This basic routine keeps you psychologically focused on what’s essential in life, rather than continually thinking about your job issues and anxieties coming around the corner.


What are spiritual practices routines?


It might be challenging to maintain a feeling of calm in our fast-paced, constantly changing environment.


When it comes to increasing one’s self-confidence or better understanding one’s emotions, spiritual activities can be beneficial.


Concentration and calmness are encouraged when you engage in these activities. 


This means you can heighten awareness of the present moment and have a broader perspective on what’s going on within yourself. 


These activities will assist you rather than getting carried away by past concepts or fears for the future.


In addition, spiritual activities provide us the opportunity to take time away from our daily lives to concentrate entirely on this exact second right now. 


It also helps with how we feel inside ourselves at any instant, without allowing distractions to pull us in other directions.




1. Prayer



When it comes to communicating with your higher power, prayer is an excellent tool that you may use as spiritual self-care. 


Starting with asking for direction and help in taking care of yourself spiritually, if you’re unsure how to pray, might be an excellent place to start. 


Prayer can also be to expel bad ideas or emotions and to beg for healing on a spiritual level.


2. Meditation



Besides praying, meditation is an excellent means of connecting to your spiritual self. 


Meditation is to empty your mind and connect with your inner knowledge. 


In stressful circumstances, this form of practice might assist you in finding calm and clarity.


3. Yoga



Yoga is an excellent approach to establishing a physical and spiritual connection.


 As you practice yoga, you’ll concentrate on your breath and your movements, which may help you feel more connected to yourself. 


Yoga can also apply mindfulness, and many individuals find it to be a helpful tool in their quest for spiritual peace and harmony.


4. Mindfulness



Mindfulness may be described as fully present at the moment, seeing and experiencing what you are doing and feeling without judging yourself.


Developing mindfulness may assist you in being more aware of how you’re feeling mentally and emotionally.


This can be beneficial while dealing with stress or any challenging circumstance.


5. Nature



Take pleasure in wildlife, the weather, the flora, and the creatures. 


Allow your senses to be awake and sync with everything around you by listening to the wind, feeling the sunlight, and smelling the rain. 


This is a basic spiritual activity that can assist you in reconnecting with nature while also promoting inner serenity.


When life gets too hectic or stressful, take a couple of minutes out of each day to sit outdoors and be present in the beauty of the world around you. 


It will be a fantastic method to re-center yourself and restore your equilibrium. 


Completely honest, spending time in the wildlife is one of my top spiritual self-care routines. It helps me to relax and recharge. 


There’s something about being surrounded by plants, trees, the sky, the light, waterfalls, and other natural elements that is relaxing and serene. 


I believe nature has a way of bringing us to a halt and allowing us to put things into perspective.


6. Connect With Others

connect with others


There are many ways to connect with your community spiritually.


The first step is to discover other like-minded spiritual seekers and gather them for encouragement and discussion.


When you connect with others, you can learn a lot about yourself and progress in your spiritual practice. 


Give back to the community and search for local organizations or events centered on spiritual ideas. 


There are countless organizations in your community that want volunteers of various types, including those who can provide. 


By becoming active in your neighborhood, you will not only be able to enhance your spiritual path.


You will also be able to assist others who share your beliefs and make connections.




If you’ve been struggling with your spiritual life, or if everyday stress and worry have forced you to become estranged from yourself and others around you.


Remember there are several methods for anyone to re-establish a connection with oneself and those around us.


You may also reclaim your calm and balance by writing, reading, or simply talking to someone.


The approaches outlined above are just a few of the many options available to connect with your spiritual side and bring calm into your life. 


With time and practice, you’ll be able to return to a state of balance no matter what tensions or problems you encounter during the day or life.


In the end, it all comes down to how much you respect yourself and how much self-love you put into your life.


If you’d like more information on how to preserve your mental health following trauma or abuse, please see the resources below.




Resources for emotional and mental support


Resources for emotional support and well-being – Coronavirus COVID-19 Response (ca.gov)

Best Online Therapy Services in 2021 (verywellmind.com)

Talk Space




It’s essential to remember that taking care of our spiritual well-being has a domino effect that may be felt in all aspects of our existence.


I hope you have found this post to be both valuable and educational, as well as entertaining.  


Any comments or ideas are always welcome!